Software Defined was established in 2014 as a company specializing in ensuring the stability, performance and security of applications through analysis, optimization and data protection.
Software Defined is a team of over a dozen people active in IT for over 20 years. We focus on strong competences and substantive values that our organization draws from many years of team and individual experience of our employees. Our employees’ experience was gained in the largest international organizations during implementation of complex projects – both as suppliers and clients, in the fields of technical implementation, supervision and project management.

Our engineers possess competence of high level which guaranties the supreme level of services.
As an example, F5 DevCentral Community consistently awarded Featured Member and MVP (Most Valuable Professional) titles to one of our engineers.
MVPs are selected by the F5 DevCentral Community engineering community itself and this group is limited to about 30 people in the world. People with this status have not only the greatest knowledge, but also mutual support as well as direct access and personal acquaintance with F5 Networks engineers in the USA directly involved in the creation and development of F5 technology.
- Implementation of an SSLO solution supporting >5000 clients for Internet connections
- Implementation of the SSLO solution to control OnPrem <-> Cloud application connections
- Migration of ForeFront TMG, Citrix and NGINX solutions to the F5 platform
- Central management application for objects used by SSLO
- Central management application for PKI certificates on F5
- Audit of the F5 WAF solution in an organization serving several million customers
- Custom automation toolset for creating a network configuration based on a user's request. The toolset integrates e.g. F5, Palo Alto, Solarwinds and Cisco solutions
- Creation of tools and scripts to remove duplicate objects and redundant references from the F5 configuration
- Commissioning of one of the first F5 Velos installations in Poland
- Creation and troubleshooting of advanced iRules for individual customer’s needs
- Integration of F5 IPSec with OpenSource solutions for communication OnPrem<->Cloud
- Migration of existing configurations to new F5 platforms
- Implementation of the GSLB and DNSSEC solution in a multidatacenter environment
- Implementation of configurations based on OAuth
- Deployment of solutions for BIG-IP central management based on BIQ-IQ